from desktop

Drag and drop. It's that easy. Grab one or more files and drag them into the desktop or web app.

File browser. Click the upload button on folder to launch the file browser for your desktop OS.

Download without limits

Any size. Download as many items as you want without worrying about how big the job is.

Folder Support. Use the desktop app to save folders to local storage without zipping first, ensuring data doesn't get corrupted.


Queue management

Prioritize and Cancel. Monitor progress, drag and drop jobs to reorder them, or send the current job to the end of the queue.

Pause and Resume. Controls for each individual job or across all of the jobs in the queue.

Copy and share links

Unique URLs for each folder and file in the web app


Transfer via
web app

Expanded Support. Transfer from non-desktop devices, such as iPads, via split view drag and drop support and clicking the upload button to access the camera roll.

Zip and unzip. The web app only supports transferring files, but folders and multiple items can be zipped for download and the contents of zip files can be viewed and partially extracted.

Built-in FTP server and OpenLDAP

Full access. Browse your entire node with the same credentials and permissions.

VPN. Utilize integration with a VPN solution to accelerate transfer with UDP and add AES-256 encryption.


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